Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Happy foundation Day

Initiation to the novitiate; Anita Ba, Renu Ranjna Surin and Pavitra.M started their novitiate on this special day of 158 yrs of our foundation. Continue to pray for them.
Sisters Shanthi, Jacquline and Praveena renewed their Commitment. Continue to support them with your prayers.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sharing of Sr. Jincy Thomas

“I delight greatly in the Lord,My soul rejoices in my God”.
I can only say Thank you Lord for the gift of my vocation.
On August 6th I made my perpetual profession.It was a day full of joy  and excitement.Several days before community of Mysore had prepare for the day of celebration.
The Eucharist was presided by Fr.James Kannanthanam CMF,provincial superior of the Bangalore Province.The celebration was meaningful and simple.I gave thanks to God for calling to be a Claretian Missionary Sister,you were indeed beside me in all my life and growth continue to guide and lead me in my life.I thank all the persons who have accompanied me in my vocational process during my formation,where I could experience the presence and closeness of God in my journey.I thank all those  who accompanied me with their prayers and support.I also thank my family,some could present in the celebration.
I felt joy and happiness in my heart.I realized that this celebration was a means to make known and share with others the greatness of God and what he does in my life.

Thursday, August 8, 2013