Wednesday, March 20, 2024

 Congratulations dear Flora and Henrisha,  today the entering to a stage of Aspirancy ." it is the stage during which, the young woman begins to discern her Claretian missionary vocation". (Dir 127) God bless you both. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

 Vocation Promotion 

    The 76th Archdiocese Children's day celebration took place at the National Basilica of Our Lady of Lanka in Tewatta Ragama. around 19,000 children from Sunday Schools and within the Archdioceses, as well as Catholic Students and College. 
the purpose or the aim was to motivate vacations  within the Archdiocese of Colombo. Thank you for the beautiful experiences. 

Saturday, February 10, 2024



The visit always gives encouragement and fraternal concerns. Superior General Sr. Priscilla Latela and the General Prefect of Formation Sr. Amilbia Penagos are visiting the Erachakulam residence, Nagercoil and Claret Bhavan Community, Butibori, in India are visiting these days. May these encounters share the realities of the life and mission of the communities. Had a fruitful visit!

Last day of the third Assembly

 Last day of the third Assembly

Every experience, every moment, we face is a lesson, and a lesson will keep presenting itself to us until we commit and finally take an attempt at it. Our last day (31 December 2023) of assembly coincides with the last day of the year. It was a time to reflect on the past twelve months is not just a ritual but a powerful tool for personal growth. The prayer for the person prayer led to reflect to pause in our fast-paced lives and examine our experiences, decisions, and actions. Morning, we had the review of the reports of the delegation governance and the administration. Afterwards, the reduction commission of the Assembly presented final reduction of strategic plan for 2024- 2026. It was approved by the Assembly with the amendments.

We had the first in history of the delegation, the election of the new governance was taken during Assembly time. But the result was not announced because the voting was not completed. It was a new experience. We thanked Sr. Priscilla Latela, Superior General, and Sr. Amilbia Penagos, Vicar and the General Prefect of Formation. They were very kind and patient throughout the Assembly. They helped us to the Synodal way of governing the delegation. Thank you Sisters for you support and encouragement.

We thanked God for His guidance and accompaniment throughout these days and last year (2023). We were filled with God’s blessings and graces. Many of our desires and hopes came true. Learned lessons and measured the countless manifestations of God’s love through our experiences. We have stepped in to another year, we hope for God’s plan come true in our life journey.

Happy and Prosperous New Year to All!

4th day of the Assembly

 4th day of the Assembly

The 4th day of the Assembly began with the morning prayer, Holy Mass and personal prayer. The reduction commission prepared and Strategic for the coming years. We discussed some topics and Srs. Priscilla and Amilbia helped us to understand the process of the discernment in the Delegation and the Congregation. The group actives and discussion helped us to deepen more our discernment on the proposals.

In the evening, we invited the Claretian Fathers from near by communities for our Claretian family gathering. We shared about the process of our Assembly. We displayed some video presentations about life and mission of our Delegation and the whole Congregation. The novices of the Claretian Missionaries shared the joy of the Christmas. It was an enriching the moment for us and Claretian Fathers.

Sunday, February 4, 2024



The third of the Assembly (29/12/2023). We had recollection day. The theme was "Walking together, we follow in the footsteps of Christ Our Only Good (Const. 5)".

There were reflection based on our XVIII General Chapter Document, God the Creator, model of care, Care in Jesus' Ministry and Care in the life of the Claretian Missionaries. The was explained by Srs. Prescilla and Amilbia. In the afternoon, we had the reading on the strategic plan of the General government and worked in the group to make the plan for the delegation for the coming years. As the conclusion of the recollection day, we had communal prayer based on the them of communion and sharing our life together. During the dinner, we celebrated the Birthday and Golden Jubilee of Sr. Amilbia, the General prefect of formation and the delegate of general superior to the delegation team. It was a memorable moment for the delegation to joined with her and thanked God for her life and vocation. May the Lord continue bless her and guide her!



We relied on the power of the Holy Spirit and began the 2nd day of the Assembly(28.12.2023). In the morning, the reports of the Delegation governance and the administrations and the working instrument were presented by Delegation governance and the respective committee. In the afternoon, we deepened the reports and the working document and shared in groups and drawn some proposals for the coming three years project. We thank the Lord for His guidance throughout the day.




3rd Assembly of the South Asian Delegation commenced today 27th of December 2023 at Sanyasa, Bengaluru, India.



Christmas always gives joy and happiness to all of us. Some Christmas celebration clicks with our tuition children at Nirmala Nivas community, Mysore, India.



 “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed.” On the Solemnity of the Immaculate of conception, Srs. Revathi and Sinthiya renewed their vows. May the Lord bless them and guide their vocational journey!

Congratulations sisters!

Happy Feast to All!

Opportunity pave way to growth

Love is always on move and inspires us to share the wonderful and hope filled message: We have found the Messiah” Jn 1:41.

Flowers are blooming, bells are ringing, telling to the world that Christmas is at hand. In this beautiful month, we felt and experienced the joy and happiness in and among us. The juniors from Sri Lanka and India had the encounters with Sr. Amilbia Penagos, the General Prefect of Formation, on the 2nd and 3rd; 16th and 17th December, at Casa Antonia Paris Community, Kottapitiya and at Antonia Paris 

Nilaya, Mysore respectively.  The topic of the first day of the encounter was “Claretian Identity and Prayer”.  Sr. Amilbia invited all to begin the encounter with the reflection: “Salt of the earth and Light of the world” from the Gospel according to St. Mathew.  It is an invitation from our Lord to whole humanity, especially to us Claretian sisters. We are called to resemble Jesus, who came to this world as human, bringing divinity amidst us.  To invoke Divinity in us, we need to know who I am. That will help us to accept the vulnerability of oneself and others.

Every person is gifted with our own identity, but it is each one’s responsibility to participate in the mission and to feel the belongingness and grow towards the maturity that leads to say: ‘I am, because We are; and We are, because each one is’.

These days of togetherness helped us to deepen our identity and belongingness and gave us an opportunity to begin from each individual to find the root cause. It was also the time to realise that each moment, situation, event and person give us an opportunity to grow and it depends on each one to view with positive mind and positive eyes.

The next day topic was “The path of silence is an encounter with ourselves”. Silence helps us to embrace the dark sides of us. The word SILENCE is equal to LISTENING. Silence is not a reality that we add in life. It is an essential thing for our personal life, fraternal communion, and interconnection with others.

The theme on dynamic axles of Formation was discussed. They are the most relevant elements of the charism and identity, which springs from the experience of the charism. It began with our foundress. Joyful contemplation of the Gospel and our apostolic action must be mutually enhanced in our lives. We felt that this time was given by God to review our Spiritual life and Claretian identity.

<Every challenge and every adversity contains within it the seeds of opportunities and growth.>


                                                                                                                    Junior Sisters

                                                                                                            India and Sri Lanka



Children's day

 Children's day

On 16th November, the community of Antonia Paris Nilaya, Mysore celebrated the Children's day celebration with our Tuition children. They had organized competitions like, drawing, singing and some other games. Children enjoyed the day with all of their activities.



In our life, we often raise questions, for examples “Why do I exist?” “What do I live for?” “Why must I live honestly, charitably, generously?” “Can I live forever?” It is love that is a source of the inspiration to conceive. As we celebrate the feast of our sisterMaria Patrocino Giner those questions and the answer means a lot. Her love towards the Church and the Congregation was excellent even to the point of death. She didn’t mind about her own life but she sacrificed for others. As the follower of Jesus, she witnessed to his path of life. She accepted the tortures, insults and sufferings in order to give life to others. Dear Sister Maria Patrocino Giner may your life and love for the love of and service to the humanity be our inspiration for building God’s Kingdom among all the people.

Happy Feast to all!