Wednesday, January 13, 2016


As we all know that there was a flood in Chennai and other parts of Tamil Nadu. Though we could not reach for immediate help yet we tried to do something for these victims of flood. So during Christmas holidays with the cooperation of the community Srs. Shanthi and Sophia went to Tamil Nadu especially to Chennai to work with the victims along with the Claretian Fathers in Tambaram. Really they were doing a wonderful job to reach out to the needy, by cleaning their soiled houses  and meeting their basic needs. It was also a very good experience for us to collaborate with the CMF of Chennai province. Fr. Tony was the coordinator, along with him other sisters from different congregations and we two. We were visiting and surveying the family situation, conducted medical camp and provided certain household items and hygienic kits for the families according to the need. Really it was a meaning experience and a great satisfaction that we could do something for these people. So we thank the fathers for accepting our invitation to work with them and my community members for making this time available.
Our observations:

  1. There is a need of the nurses who can help the people to be free from illnesses.
  2. There is a need of medicines to be distributed among the people as some have suggested and expressed their needs.
  3. The houses of the people whom we visited are wet.
  4. People live in a slushy area which can make them sick.
  5. The mud houses are wet and therefore there is a threat for the fall of the walls and they fear that they can live no-more.
  6. People were standing on the road side to get some helps from somebody which will be beneficiary for their timely living.