Thursday, August 29, 2019

The new Order of Apostles: not new in doctrine, but new in Practice.
The newness is this new Order is to be faithful to the Gospel, following of Jesus and Evangelical Poverty. This was imprinted in the heart of the founders and they want to pass it on to all their daughters. This newness unfolds everyday something new and provokes our personal conversion. This year we commemorate 50 years of the extraordinary General chapter which lead the congregation to renew, to breath fresh air of the charism and the Congregation has taken a bold step to renew its Spirit according to the mandate of the Church. Let us celebrate this significant foundation day with Joy and Love in heart and mind.
Happy Foundation day to all and Congratulations to all who renewed their Commitment today.

                                                                                               Sr.Rani Micheal

Monday, August 26, 2019

                      Dear Sisters
On this day of renewal you all may grow and live in joy and openness. Continue to foster the values of the gospel and the spirit of our founders…..

With immense joy and gratitude I raise my heart to God the Almighty for giving me the chance to renew my commitment. I thank all the sisters in the Delegation for their prayer and accompaniment. Let us walk together by helping one another.
Sr.Anita Ba

I am privileged to express my gratitude to God and the Congregation. Having four years of religious experience, I had a wonderful spiritual journey with the Lord who was my guide and supporter at the time of joys and sorrows. I am grateful to all the sisters for being an important role for my growth. Let us love and serve each other and grow together.
Sr.Renu Ranjna Surin

The Lord gaze at me that makes me to experience  God’s  unconditional love in times of need; make me to understand His love for me; it’s strengthen me to endure everything; Depend on him fully; I belong to Him and He is everything for me.
Sr.Pavithra Mary

My heart bows down in the presence of the Trinitarian God, for giving me this wonderful chance to confirm my offering to the master.
 Sr.Martina Masila Mary

“Lord, What I am today is your choice”.
Since you created me so I am;
 You called me, so I am;
 You chose me, so I am;
Thank you Lord, for calling me.
Thank you for the gift of my grace filled life.
Sr.Saranya Kulandai

“Higher the perfection, greater the Happiness”.
I am very glad to tell that God has done great things for me.  I have personally experienced the grace of God. The life within the community or outside the community, success or failures taught me to be faithful. Because Jesus the source of my life. On this special occasion I thank the sisters and dear ones for their support and encouragement in my vocation.
Sr.Antonia Kiro

God chose me as His beloved. In gratitude I confirm my life through simple and small act that I do with love. I am grateful to God for my wonderful being to others and others to me as an instrument of love, peace and joy.
  Sr.Mesra Silva

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Solidarity of Christ Impels us!

Solidarity of Christ Impels us!

The ways of the Lord are wonderful, and one never knows what he has in store for us. Yes! It was a privilege for me to be part of the AEYG+CF 2019, happened in East Timor from the 5th-11th of August, 2019 in the Fatima Retreat Centre, Dare, Dili. It was overwhelming to see the huge number of young people coming from 7 nationalities (East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines, Korea, Macau, Taiwan and HongKong) and the Claretian coordinators from CMF, RMI, MC and some other congregations who are mission collaborators with the Claretian family. Around 125 young people participated in this 5 days’ program.
            I arrived in East Timor on the 3rd. Thanks to my missionary formation, that, from the day I arrived in Dili I felt at home. Few faces were familiar and many are not, yet had a warm reception, care and support from whoever and mainly from the AEYG steering committee. After a little rest and some necessary preparations on the 5th moved to Dare, the venue for the gathering.
            Dare is a high mountainous area, some half an hour drive from Dili with a pleasing weather. I felt so honoured with the beautiful traditional welcome given to me and other delegates. I was representing the congregation, and at the same time was invited to be one of the resource persons for the youth. Getting a chance to come to this side of the world was never my dream nor expectation, yet I see how the Lord plans and executes what he wants. Thanks to Him for using me as an instrument to bring His message to the young people. If I have to summarize in one word I would say it was indeed a pure blessing. All throughout I experienced the goodness of the Mission Sender in every person I came across. Though this was not my first time to be present in the AEYG+CF since I have an experience of AEYG+CF, 2015 in Manila, I felt more enriched and belongingness, because, this time my purpose of visit was to participate fully and to be present with the youngsters all the time.
            The theme of this gathering was “Solidarity of Christ impels us: Go, Sell, Shareand Follow” based on the Biblical text Mt 19:16-26; Lk 10:25-37). The talks, sharing, activities and etc., all were in line with this theme and did justice to each one’sresponsibilities.
            It is impressive for me to see the great dedication and energy spent in organizing and executing   this program. As well, the collaboration of some other religious (not belonging to Claretian family) and the great involvement of the laity is truly wonderful. Special thanks must be said to the organizing committee.
            I am sure with this great experience and attention given to each and every one all throughout the program, the youngpeople have carried a lot back home for their lives and as well as to share and motivate other young friends of them in their own countries and neighbourhood.
            As Pope Francis said “the young are not the future but the present” I do want to believe that my contribution to the youth and others too will bear much fruit in their vocational discernment and especially in making them as Missionary Disciples of Jesus Christ in Solidarity with the Charism of Saint Anthony MaryClaret. At the same time, personally, this experience is a learning which I carry with me as I go back to my own and which I hope to share.
            I am grateful to the General Government and the South AsianDelegation of my Congregation for supporting me and granting me this opportunity in the service of the Lord and for the East Asian Province of my congregation and the Claretian Missionaries in ASCLA East for all the warmth and goodness through welcoming and accepting me for this event.
            May all my rich experiences be for the Greater Glory of God.

Geraldine S. Eusabius, RMI                                                                                                      
Pref. of Apostolic Mission                                                                                                                       Claretian Missionary  Sisters                                                                                                                 South Asian Delegation