Wednesday, May 27, 2020


                       “Do not be troubled, Trust in God and trust in me. (Jn 14:1).”
When I recall my one year as professed Claretian sister, I find joy and content of myself because I find my joy in God by responding my call to him in each day of my life. At present I am residing in Novitiate community, India. I am blessed to be a member, to share Gods love to all here. I bring the Spirit of God to all the younger ones with my way of being Claretian. I find the family atmosphere in my community, by our support and care for each other. Thou there are times of I find difficulties and struggles in the community, but amidst of all these experiences I and We learn to forgive and care for one another and learn to grow and live in unity as well as we live as one family.
In my prayer life there were many God experiences, but I would I like to share one of my experience, when I went for Anjali Ashram experience, It made me to experience God with in me. In one moment of I strongly experienced that the God’s spirit was within me and moved me to keep away from worldly things and to live in the spirit of God. This experience continue to draw me to live by the spirit and to spend my time with the Lord in the silence of my heart and the voice that strengthens me said ‘Do not troubled or disturbed by anything, I am with you and I have chosen you and you are mine’. And to be rooted in Christ, who is the source of life. This is the spirit that inspires me to continue my Religious life with commitment and fidelity towards God. “I thank God and praise be to his name.”
Revathi Ambati
Antonia Paris Nilaya

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


The whole world is homeland for the missionary of Christ”- Maria Antonia Paris-
Our Mother Church and especially our Congregation urges us to pray for vocations during this month and as consecrated women we are so faithful and happy to celebrate and to renew our gift of vocation with Mary. The Church prioritizes and honours our Blessed Mother as patron of our consecrated life.  Our constitution No 21 says; “Following Mary’s example we wish to make our life a constant and generous ‘fiat’ to the will of the Father”. Through her consecration we the Church begin to learn and to accept the will of our Father. As we dedicate this month to pray for our own calling and for increasing of vocations to our Congregation, we are aware that the religious vocation is a special gift and a call from God that is received in faith and cultivated and discerned in prayer. As a community we spend quality time with the Lord and pray through the intercessions of our Mother Mary for all.
As we pray for each Continent, for each of our sister, we feel that the Lord prepares, moves and helps those He calls, giving the graces and the blessings needed in order to embrace the religious state and persevere in it joyfully. Though we are far away from each other, through prayer we feel the movement of the spirit in us to be united in the Lord who calls us to life. We pray for each of our perseverance and that all of us whom He has chosen as ministers and dispensers of His mysteries may be found faithful in fulfilling the ministry received. We too remember and pray for the perseverance of our candidates, aspirants, postulants, novices, juniors and for all of us and for those young people who are ready to put out into deep, to be the sign through our own consecration may say “YES” to God.
As we place ourselves to pray in a creative way in the community we cherish the joy within us. Month of prayer for vocation teaches many thing to be aware; how my contribution towards promotion of vocations, as well it enables each of us to discover with grateful hearts the God’s call in our lives, which make us to have courage to say “YES” day by day to God.

 Koswatta Community

Friday, May 15, 2020


On 30th of January 2020, we three sisters along with other sister formees and our Academic Head travelled to Kandy where we had the residential program. Though we are from different Congregations, we stayed for forty days as one community. It was an enriching experience to form ourselves with the sisters from 8 Congregations and seven Nationalities. On the first days of our program we had the sharing about our personal life and vocational journey, which made us to know, understand and accept each other as we are. On the following day we had the cultural program which depicted our cultures and reminded us to look back to our origins.
Afterwards we had classes by various Priest - Professors which helped us to know and mold ourselves in a spiritual way. The topics were very much real to our lives and mainly in Non Violent Communication, we learned how to maintain quality relationships, being non-Judgmental communicants, and learned that forcing others to do what I wish, is a violent and which will not be helpful to maintain the quality relationship. About prayer and discernment we found our way of being in relationship with God and others, that is through the nature and all the means provided to us.  And also the session on Eucharist and Sacraments have helped us to internalize our own participation in the Eucharistic celebration.
During these days of our stay we had the recollection and the Lenten preparation which helped us to live our life faithful to God.  Living these days integrating ourselves by knowing who we are and enjoying the diversity of persons, we experienced the transformation in us. The day before leaving to our respective communities we visited Sigiriya, the world famous heritage of Sri Lanka. With all these enriching experiences we were back to our communities on 9th of March 2020.
We thank the Congregation and the Delegation, for giving us the opportunity to participate in this formation course. 
Huguette, Janitha, and Jeevathy

Sister Fomees 2020