God our Father, you have called us in your Son Jesus and in
the Spirit to announce every creature the Gospel and be faithful witnesses. We
thank you for journeying with us in these years to be new Apostles with the
torch of the Gospel in our hands. We thank you for the gift of our Holy
Founders St. Antony Mary Claret and Ven.Maria Antonia Paris. We are also
grateful for all the Claretian Missionary Sisters who have gone before us.
Make our hearts and minds open to embrace the reality of our
world and the Church, to be on mission and to give ourselves totally. We pray
that our preparation for the forth-coming General Chapter be a time of grace,
reflection, trust, hope and Joy.
Holy Spirit, renew the hearts of your faithful and enkindle
again the fire of your love. Encircle us with your grace. Strengthen each step
we take, as we seek to know your will for us. In you we trust, in you we hope.
To your will we surrender our institute. Help us to walk as Apostolic
communities, making the way easy for others.
Mary Immaculate, the mother of Evangelization lead us and
intercede for us on our move. Amen