Monday, January 15, 2018

                      First Assembly  

                South Asian Delegation


The South Asian Delegation celebrated its Assembly from December 27- 31, 2017 at St. Claret Seminary, Kattuwa, Negombo,Sri Lanka. Together with Sr. Jolanta Kafka our Superior General, Sr.Rani Micheal the delegation Superior and 13 sisters from our entity attended the assembly. A Special attention was concreted on the XVII General Chapter Document, while various other matters were also taken for discussion. 
      It gave a basis to evaluate the various reports, presented by each community, in their religious life and apostolic activities' experiences. The pastoral ministries and missions that we undertake today,may  bring big changes in our life.Many important matters were discussed and planned concretely for the  growth of the delegation and all had the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns regarding their ministries and the challenges they face in daily living and also shared their positive experiences and stories of hope.                                     
We all left the assembly with a feeling of great optimism for the future ,having a lot of vision to walk with the Church "GOING FORTH"
Resilda Edwin
 It is the time to chill, to cheer, to shine,
to inspire and to be inspired”.