Friday, May 4, 2018


We, the South Asian Delegation organized two days of refreshment course on New Wine for New Wineskins“A Psycho Socio-Spiritual Approach to the Religious Life in the Current Scenario” for the perpetually professed sisters, given by Fr.John Peter MSC.As part of the seminar, on the first day we dealt on theology of religious life and challenges of the consecrated life today. According to Pope Francis we the religious have to wake up the world and be real witnesses to the world by being different in our acts and deeds. It also helped us to deepen our knowledge about the consecrated life and respond differently and to take up the new challenges that come on our way. In a long term it would allow oneself to be dynamic and person of experience which is a part of growth and transformation. The day was concluded with few reflective questions to be discussed in the groups and with the quote of Pope John Paul II ‘I have looked for you, now you came to me, I thank you’.

                                                                                                                   Shanthi Vedamuthu