“What is life without children like a world without sun,
stars and moon.
They spread joy and happiness in every season”
as we experience it. We had a joyful celebration of children’s day at St. Francis
School. Basically children are very happier and they make the others happy by
their very presence and fun. We witnessed it at our school as we celebrated the
children’s day with our lovely and cute children. They were all delightful in
sharing their day of celebration with one another. This marked a great step in
our service of education, as we realized the need for value education with fun
and frolic. We had a number of activities that marked the day very special.
Among them the fancy dress competition and dance competition stood brighter.

On the whole the
programme was enriching and enlivening to both the children and the
teacher-parents. As said in the beginning the children spread the aroma of joy
and happiness around the school campus with their blissful and wholistic
performances. We have a lot to learn from them in this regard. Let us grow
together. Let be children for children’s sake.