Friday, December 7, 2018


We have been invited by the Bishop of Kottar and by the Claretian Missionaries (Cmf) to serve in this Diocese, so then we saw a large opportunity in the ministry of evangelisation and consolidation of the faith of the people, we agreed and taken further steps. Thus we selected Erachakulam Mission parish as our mission station.The total population of the town is around 4000 families, belonging to different religions and social class. Among this there are aroung 100 catholic families, the rest are belonging to other christian denominations, hindus and muslims. Most of the catholic people are migrated here in recent years.

The majority of the population is involved in agricultural works, animal husbandry and construction works. Some are trained skilled employees and some are away in the Middle East as laborers. The education and literacy rate is slowing picking up, there are some educational institutions around this area.
In this mission we work in collaboration in all the pastoral activity of the parish and in the Amadiagam Ashram (Claretian fathers’ community). For past 5 months we lived in the Claretian fathers’ community, it was a very good enriching experience, and we are grateful to them. And now the parish priest and the Parishners have offered us generously a residence to do the mission. In these past months, we have slowly got ourselves involved in the faith formation and all activities of the parish, it is real joy to be closer to the people’s lives. In the coming year we will also be working in collaboration with Cmf in educational ministry.

Continue to support us with your prayers.
Address of Erachakulam residence is:
Claretian Sisters,
Erachakulam, Kanyakumari district, Tamilnadu 629902, India.
