On the feast of annunciation we began our meeting with the prayer by reading the gospel passage of the day, which led each one to be touched with the moments of the spirit.The objective is "to strengthen our mission as animators within the Congregation being faithful to our Charism.
Fr.Arackal CMF ,Provincial of Bangalore remarked the day efficiently with Life Skills, the ways to communicate and respond with inner dispositions, spirit of service and the ability to discern would bring changes in the journey of life.
Participants: Sr.Rani Michael,Thushari Wettesinghe,Geraldine Eusabius,Jegajothi Durairaj,Shanthi Vedamudhu,Elizabeth Pravina Soosai and Shophia Kaspar.
Place:Antonia Paris Nilaya,Naguvanahalli,India
Date:25th to 28th March 2019
Continue to support us through your prayers.
Elizabeth Pravina S