Sunday, April 26, 2020


“let the children come to me for the kingdom of God belongs to them.”
I teach Catechism in our parish (Our Lady of Poor), Mysore.
It was an enriching experience for me. I consider it a privilege, introducing them the faith. At the end of the year we had a day-out with Catechism children. It was a joyful moment for all us to be together playing and enjoying the beauty of nature and art.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


“ I know I am facing the last chapter of my life and I don’t know what awaits me, I know, however, that  the light of God exists, that He is risen, that His light is stronger than any darkness, that the goodness of God is stronger than any evil in this world” – Pope Benedict XVI
The world is in darkness, today human has become stranger to one another, we have closed ourselves within the doors of our houses, the environment is much silent than ever it was in the history; because the world is battling between the unseen virus named Corona (Covid-19). The history never had a story such as that the whole world is suffering at the same time, in this way unable to help one another, when flood or any natural or manmade calamity affects certain area some other states or the countries generously volunteer to help; but today can’t move out at all, because there are not yet medicines found. All have become afraid of the life. At times health department and science seem to be failure and it is very much disappointment for the people and specially for the health authorities.As the flood of patients start increasing in hospital and the death rate too. Even the child is unable to embrace its own mother…. What a peculiar situation….!!!
As of each countries concern the government have taken decision to lockdown for certain period of time that will help to decrease the spread of the virus, on the other hand there are people dying due to the virus named hunger, the farmers and the daily wagers  are unable to feed themselves and their family. The government, supplies the food and hygenic, but still there are many place where it has not yet reached. There are many people affected psychologically by the corona virus. What will be our solution??? What will be our future???
“Behold I make all things new” Rev 21:5, through this atypical situation God promises that He gonna make all things new and he will make us His witnesses. In the book of Genesis:7:12-23 the flood brought destruction to the life of the people, but there after came the new life and new creation through the covenant that God made with Noah.  It is the time for us to renew our hearts and lives. It is also a sign that God does not leave anything to remain static or completely dead.
On the day of easter the day of joy and celebration, it was very sad to experience, the churches are closed, the bells stopped their tones, the tombs that we make every year has not yet made, the gloria and alleluia that we sing with loud voice has no sound, the candles that we light in the dark nights have not yet lit, the history has become different story this year because of this pandamic. But we belive in Jesus’ resurrection that he is really alive and active in this present situation of our world.
In the  community too I experience, that this is the time to come closer to God and the sisters in the community, to strenthen our fraternal life and share our daily experience that we experience individually and as a community. We take lot of interest and show our enthusiasm in special prayer for the people all over the world specially for the healing and make little sacrifice and extend our hands to the needy those who come to our doors. I too personally experice that all are in the same boat of fear and there are times I have been afraid to see the daily news as the numbers of the people affected and the case of death increases, it really frightens me and also makes me to become aware of the shortness of our life. we don’t know when the Lord will come with His angel to take us to his home. But let us pray along with our beloved Mother that,  “ Let Your Will Be Done in Our Lives”. May the light of the Risen Lord Shine thruogh out the our lives, our communities, our families, our Societies, our Nations and our World.
                                           May God Bless US…!
                                                                                                        Saranya K
                                                                 Nirmala Nivas community