Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Renewal of Vows

Renewal of Vows

 "My soul glorifies the Lord. My Spirit rejoices in God my Saviour."

Today Sr. Nancy renewed commitment in Antonia Paris Nilaiya, Mysore, India. May God continue to bless her and accompany in her vocational journey!
Sr. Nancy!

Vocation Day

Vocation Day 

God has called us to three forms of vocations: Priestly and religious life, single blessedness, and married life. May they be daring to respond generously to God’s call and not be afraid to seek what is different, because to be religious today is to seek to live the difference in the midst of what society often offers. The process of vocational accompaniment is a time of great self-discovery. It is also a time of discernment in the face of the calls that existence itself makes to us. Allow yourselves to be thrown into the deepest waters. Religious life is a life choice that leads us to consecrate ourselves totally to God, to make of our life, of our history, a giving of love to the Absolute. To spend one’s youth and one’s life for the Gospel is to make one’s life a gift to God and neighbour. Happy Feast and Vocation Day!


Saturday, May 14, 2022


Vocation is a gift…

Hapugoda is one of the parishes in Kandana deanery of the Archdiocese of Colombo.  This Parish organized a vocation promotion program marking the Good Shepherd Sunday on the 8th of May and invited different Religious Congregations to be present portraying their Charism and ministries.  The objective was to plant the seed of holy vocation in the heart of our children.

We too as Claretian Family (RMI, MC and CMF) participated in this.  We were given an exhibition stall to speak with the children and to promote vocations.

Eucharistic celebration, Sharing, Talks, other performances by students and exhibition were some of the events of the day.   There were more than 200 Religious men and women gathered there. Among all the events, the most interesting one was the Little Religious Parade.  Grade one and two children dressed with different Habits, went around the place.  They looked like angels.  Many students from Kandana deanery were present and they came to know about different Congregations, their ministries and services. Some of the students expressed their desire to be religious and priests.

We expressed our gratitude to the Parish Priest, Assistant Parish Priest, Catechists, and parents committee of Hapugoda Parish for organizing this beautiful event as we celebrated the day of vocations.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022



"You are my servant whom I have chosen"

On this special day of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, we thank the Lord for the gift of vocation which God has given us. As we are journeying in the family of Claretian Missionary sisters we are glad to renew our commitment for one more year for fourth time. We remember gratefully all those who are journeyed and journey with us till this moment. Continue to support us in our spiritual journey. Happy Feast!


Srs. Shanthi, Dayola, Vigini and Jeyanayagi