25th Jubilee of Sr. Rani Michael, RMI in her Religious Life
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born,
I set apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jer 1:5
Sr. Rani
Michael celebrates her 25th Jubilee of her Religious Profession
today. We praise and thank God for her life and vocation in our Congregation.
She has been a God's servant in all the special moments of our presence in
India as well as in the South Asian Independent Delegation. She was our first
Delegation Superior. Her tireless services are remarkable. Following the words
of St. Antony Mary Claret, "whole world is the Mother Land for the
Missionary of Christ".
She opted to cross the ocean and to go to the mission in Madagascar. We are grateful to you dear sister for your love and care, that you have continually showing to all of us. May God continue to shower up on you His blessing, as you journey with Him. Congratulations Dear sister!